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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 4369
4368  |  4370
Re: rtl12 Game Proposal
Wed, 8 May 2002 01:04:53 GMT
628 times
rtlToronto12: Vending Machines

The game is you build your own vending machine which gives out
something-something can be candy, a can of pop, a sheet of stickers, an
OMRON proximity sensor, whatever.  The audience is invited to use your
vending machine, by putting in their money into your machine-you choose the
price.  The machine then dispenses the product.

Because this Game in a "no Brainer"  it would be possible to to just set
up your vending machine and then walk away and look at other robots.  So
that we can have a more social event.

The machine would be allowed to dispense ANYTHING you can think of.

At the end of the day, all the proceeds (or at least beyond the $48 of
Library rental) go to a local charity.  The person with the most money in
their machine wins.

Calum  Here I disagree;  just a plain and simple ALL $$ gets donated to

Obviously the game is designed to amuse the crowd (after a non crowd game
like rtl10: ProjectX) and has a little bit more of a game built into it.
Anyways, one to think about it.

I have Thought about it!!! I LOVE it.   And unless I start hearing the
grumbling now, then you might as well start designing your vending
machine for October!!

Pretend this says something funny

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: rtl12 Game Proposal
"Chris Magno" <> wrote in message (...) Careful. I'll take that very literally if you don't tone it down. :) Iain (23 years ago, 7-May-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  rtl12 Game Proposal
Hi folks, So we're almost ready to go with rtl11 contest rules for CTF/Bridge but we were talking about rtl12 last night and the game proposed is: rtlToronto12: Vending Machines The game is you build your own vending machine which gives out (...) (23 years ago, 4-May-02, to

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