Re: rtl12 Game Proposal
Thu, 9 May 2002 13:17:27 GMT
842 times
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In, Iain Hendry writes:
> "Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message
> > >
> >
> > Speaking of Cyclones, I'm annoyed because I missed a chance to ride THE
> Cyclone.
> Pttb, rotting wood. :)
Ya, OK, but it's HISTORIC rotting wood from a very famous designer.
> I saw a show on TLC last night about bridge maintenence. They showed some of
> the bridges in New York City. One of them had already began to buckle, and
> they'd put wooden slats on the underside of the bridge so that the chunks of
> concrete and rusted steel wouldn't fall on the pedestrian walkway below.
> They had giant wood beams wedged under it to support it. I don't think I
> trust *any* construction near that city after seeing that. :)
5 of the "top" ten worst bridges in the US are in NY state. Scary, innit?
> > XFUT
> Don't take this the wrong way, but that is geting really annyoing.
OK, I'm just concerned at taking the conversation off topic for rtlToronto..
(and I just FUT the other part of the thread elsewhence too, before reading
that. Sorry)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: rtl12 Game Proposal
| "Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message (...) Cyclone. Pttb, rotting wood. :) (...) it. (...) I saw a show on TLC last night about bridge maintenence. They showed some of the bridges in New York (...) (23 years ago, 9-May-02, to
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