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Re: Does this offend anyone's sense of lego purity?
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 01:30:28 GMT
593 times
In, Trevyn Watson writes:
I have an RCX 1.0 (w/ power jack) and an RCX 2.0 (w/o power jack).

I will be using both in my rtl10 entry.

Here's my problem:

For my bot to work properly, I need both RCXen to be powered from an
adapter. Since the 2.0 has no jack, I have thrown together this thing:

Is this all right with everyone?


I think it doesn't look eye-friendly but if it works, more power to you...
I think the rules clearly say lego items, but in the "spirit of the game",
I think this would be considered not essential enough for you to get an
advantage, because it would be like you are running 2 RCX 1.0's.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Does this offend anyone's sense of lego purity?
(...) Well, its all inside the battery box. the only thing coming out is the ribbon cable on the left side of the photo. And for Iain, that's a 7809 Positive 9 Volt Voltage Regulator. It looks like most other voltage regulators (except the really (...) (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Does this offend anyone's sense of lego purity?
I have an RCX 1.0 (w/ power jack) and an RCX 2.0 (w/o power jack). I will be using both in my rtl10 entry. Here's my problem: For my bot to work properly, I need both RCXen to be powered from an adapter. Since the 2.0 has no jack, I have thrown (...) (23 years ago, 1-Feb-02, to

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