"Calum Tsang" <tsangc@mie.utoronto.ca> wrote in message
> In lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, Timothy D. Freshly writes:
> > That is a nice building. The outside is a bit plain but then again so are a
> > lot of office buildings. You may want to play around with some mouldings or
> > other details to give the building a little more personality. I really like
> > the idea of the train running through the building. One of my fellow
> > RichLUGers (Rich Schoonover) has a building "under contruction" in a similar
> > vein - he has two tracks running through it:
> >
> > http://brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=81725
> >
> > Your building really reminded me of his. Thanks for sharing!
> Thanks-I'll probably be building two more "over track" buildings sometime in
> the near future, hopefully with a bit more detail if I can find enough
> corrogated and the like.
> Calum
Sounds great - can't wait to see them!
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