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Re: New MB Castle Themed Blok Bots & More
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:20:28 GMT
597 times
In, Paul Maxwell writes:
I was in Walmart Friday night and as I was just about to leave the Lego aisle
when I notoced a new Mega Bloks set up on the top of the shelf. The box hadn't
been priced yet but scaned at $19.97.

The set is #9358 Gladiator & Lion. It comes with 2 Transforming Blok Bots, the
Gladiator and a Lion as the name implies. What is cool is that it comes (like
other blok bots) with a minifig... A galdiator with a new type helmet, double
bladded battle axe, and a round shield. I haven't had a chance to build
the set, but it looks cool enough. There are 2 more Castle themed Blok Bots: #
9357 Ninja & Dragon & # 9356 Knight & Wolf. I didn't see the other 2 sets, but
it looks like they will also cost $19.97.

Mega Blok gladiator sounds pretty cool.  I have some of the knights and
vikings.  $20.00 sounds a little steep to get one mini--fig, though.  I
don't have much interest in the "Blok Bots."

I also have knock off minifigs from

Tyco (red and blue, plus black knights, and a wicked looking sorceror/dark
lord dude)

Mega Blok  (Flying Lion, king, witch, a few knights, a few vikings)

Best Lock (3 soldiers with red and black armor, brown helmets; 3 with grey
and blue armor and grey helmets)

Laramie  (10 or so foot soldiers with crossbows, 4 mounted knights)

KidsCorner  some little Chinese minifigs with swords and horses

Lots of useful alternative weapons, armor and parts for my Lego armies.  One
thing I have never found is a helmet/head system that was compatible with Lego.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New MB Castle Themed Blok Bots & More
(...) Initially, I didn't either, but they've gradually won me over. On the whole, they're superior (IMO) to any mech-like LEGO model in recent memory. The Gladiator/Lion set is particularly cool. I'm quite surprised to learn of your fondness for (...) (24 years ago, 23-Aug-01, to

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  New MB Castle Themed Blok Bots & More
I was in Walmart Friday night and as I was just about to leave the Lego aisle when I notoced a new Mega Bloks set up on the top of the shelf. The box hadn't been priced yet but scaned at $19.97. The set is #9358 Gladiator & Lion. It comes with 2 (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to

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