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Re: Probuilder Toys R Us sets warning
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 03:28:13 GMT
1149 times
In, Chris Gray writes:
"Dave Schuler" <> writes:

  With respect, I must happily report an experience entirely in contrast to
yours.  I'm sorry for the hassle you've encountered; not only did my 9735 • have
all the listed pieces and then some, but I've also never had that problem • with
any MegaBloks set I've purchased.  As a conservative estimate I would say • that
I own in excess of 200 MegaBloks sets, none of which has been missing • anything
more substantial than a 2x4 brick.  Actually, I did once have trouble with
missing instructions from the big Mustang model, but that error was • painlessly
corrected for me by TRU.

My experience is similar, but not quite identical. Of course I only have
55 Megabloks sets (including 23 battleships and 4 aircraft carriers). :-(
If I remember correctly, one of the battleship sets had the wrong bag of
parts in it. I think it was balanced by another one which had an extra bag
of parts. Since I was after them for the parts, I didn't much care. I doubt
you will see an aircraft carrier with an extra bag of parts - there just
isn't room in the box - its bulging as is!

Actually the first Aircraft Carrier I bought had and extra pack of 8x8 plates.
:-) Now that was awesome.  When I finnally bought another it did not have the
extra plates but no parts were missing.

-Mike Petrucelli

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Probuilder Toys R Us sets warning
(...) My experience is similar, but not quite identical. Of course I only have 55 Megabloks sets (including 23 battleships and 4 aircraft carriers). :-( If I remember correctly, one of the battleship sets had the wrong bag of parts in it. I think it (...) (22 years ago, 18-Oct-02, to

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