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Re: LEGO, Conan O'Brien, TODAY SHOW
Tue, 9 Sep 2003 06:07:42 GMT
1467 times
"Eric Harshbarger" <> wrote in message
Folks, wanted to give everyone a heads up to this before the fact so
maybe someone out there can get some nifty screen captures for me...

On the NBC TODAY SHOW, Wednesday morning (not sure what time the actual
segment will air), there will be a segment with Conan O'Brien. It will
highlight his upcoming 10th anniversary show on the same network.

The Today show folks are supposed to be giving Conan a 'LEGO bust' of
himself (his head modelled out of LEGO bricks).

I built that bust for them late last week. I plan to make a webpage
about it after the segment airs. It was all extremely 'last minute'.

So, keep your eyes open and your video recorders warm... we'll see if
the LEGO creation actually gets some decent airtime (without getting
dropped and smashed).


eric harshbarger

Oh holy crap I hate you.  Conan is probably one of my favorite shows of all
I'd even give him stuff for free I like him so much.  What an honor.

[  j o n ]

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO, Conan O'Brien, TODAY SHOW
Folks, wanted to give everyone a heads up to this before the fact so maybe someone out there can get some nifty screen captures for me... On the NBC TODAY SHOW, Wednesday morning (not sure what time the actual segment will air), there will be a (...) (22 years ago, 8-Sep-03, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce) !! 

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