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 Marketplace / Theory / 972
    Re: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) The X offer expires in, what, 3 days... time was of the essence to let people know that windows are not the only thing available. I literally had 2 minutes or less to get that posted or I wasn't going to be able to post it at all for several (...) (25 years ago, 16-Feb-00, to
        Re: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. —Frank Filz
      Larry Pieniazek wrote in message <>... (...) This just re-inforces my feeling that we need to consider that this is a HOBBY for almost all of us. This means that we have limited time. This means that sometimes we may (...) (25 years ago, 17-Feb-00, to
        Re: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. —Todd Lehman
   (...) First question: I'm not intimately familiar with the services being advertised, so forgive my naivete for asking, but wouldn't something such as the following have been faster?-- ---...--- Subject: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to
        Re: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. —Frank Filz
    Todd Lehman wrote in message ... (...) Well, I'm not Larry, but I'll respond anywise... (...) been (...) -- (...) now (...) (...) -- Two thoughts: - Recall that Larry said he had a window already open with his (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to
        Re: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. —Todd Lehman
   (...) Ya, I grokked that. :) So it's significantly quicker to: 1. Be on the already-open window with the auction 2. Click on the browser's Location box 3. Ctrl-C to copy URL 4. Alt-Tab to edit-post window 5. Ctrl-V to paste URL than to: 1. Be on the (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to
        Re: No gimmicks, just a free 40 bucks. —Frank Filz
    Todd Lehman wrote in message ... (...) he (...) Well, you're forgetting the possibility of having to scroll, which is why I pointed out that the URL for his auction was in the title/menu area of the window. Another factor, which I have pointed out (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to

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