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Re: Disneyland Imagination Center- PaB?
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:40:24 GMT
3349 times
In, Mike Kollross wrote:
I have friends going to Disneyland and I was wondering if anyone knows if there
is a PaB there and if so if there is a list posted as to what is available?

There wasn't one a year ago when I drove up from San Diego with my folks.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Disneyland Imagination Center- PaB?
I believe that there is one now. I personally haven't seen much of an assortment, but was talking to a buddy of mine the other day, and he said he got some good pieces there. They use the "fill-a-cup" method like the other Imagination Stores, (...) (21 years ago, 24-Mar-04, to

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  Disneyland Imagination Center- PaB?
I have friends going to Disneyland and I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a PaB there and if so if there is a list posted as to what is available? Thanks, Mike (21 years ago, 24-Mar-04, to

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