Re: General Box #5
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 23:44:50 GMT
1178 times
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I'm getting ready to mail out this box to the next person. I'm not splitting
it as there seems to be some controversy over who and how it should be split -
so it's heading to its next destination intact. See below if you want to see
what was taken out/put in. I enjoyed this :)
I took:
1 red oar
2 green seaweed pieces
1 log wall
1 brown barrel
8 1x2 thinwalls
pieces with exxon stickers on them
1 2x3 propellor
2 blue 1x2 hinges
4 1x2 log bricks
1 1x4 caution sticker piece
1 2x2 black disk
1 yellow 1x6 arch
I put in:
Imperial Soldier minifig with rifle
1 non-movable arm/leg classic 70s fig
1 castle armor piece
1 trans-green 2x2 round
1 red saddle
1 white motorcycle
1 white aquazone helmet
3 classic smileys
1 trans-orange mailbox
4 crossbows
1 trans red 1x4x3 glass piece
3 brown spears
1 metal detector
1 walkie-talkie
1 blue horse "rein"
2 trans-orange skis
and a few others I don't know the name of :)
Thomas Main
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: General Box #5
| Why is there a problem with who should get the box next? you send it to the person next on the list and then next on list 4.. I don't see a problem with that in the least... Or did I miss something??? LMK before you send it please, I'd like to get (...) (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | General Box #5
| this box is ready to go. Standard procedure, eh? It would be nice if the longtimers let some of the newbies post their requests first, but whatever. This box will have a lot of blue and a lot of wheels as those were held back from General #1 but (...) (26 years ago, 6-Aug-99, to
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