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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 12465
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Re: 2x2x7 White Lamp Posts 4-Sale
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 14:40:28 GMT
777 times
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
In, Jason Sutherland writes:
Due to advance knowledge of this wonderful selling price that will be
available next month for these 2x2x7 Lamp Posts, I will go ahead and sell
the 20 I have now for $1.75 each.

Actually I heard these might be available from an accessory pack soon, for
around $0.20 USD each (if you calculate the price out per element) -- they
will be packed with white straight and curved spindled fences, those
belville style arched fences as in #4723, those four prong elements, white
2x2 radar discs, and trans-yellow 1x1 cylinders.  This accessory pack is
intended to go along with another accessory pack that will feature flowers
and stems, 14 stud foliage elements, brown bricks and arches, and finally --
globe style and cypress trees!!! Yup, this way you can build an elaborate
garden or park into your Lego MOCs...

ummmm..   That would be the 'Scarce Parts on BB' Service Pack ?  You forgot to
mention the pitchforks. <lol>


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2x2x7 White Lamp Posts 4-Sale
(...) LEGO could do worse (at gathering marketing info) than watching BB scarcity, ne? Of course what is spendy at low availability may not be worth much in large quantity (who here needs 10,000 of these lamp posts?? Even I don't need THAT many) so (...) (23 years ago, 8-Oct-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2x2x7 White Lamp Posts 4-Sale
(...) Actually I heard these might be available from an accessory pack soon, for around $0.20 USD each (if you calculate the price out per element) -- they will be packed with white straight and curved spindled fences, those belville style arched (...) (23 years ago, 8-Oct-01, to,

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