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Re: Paypal - Money stealers !!!!
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 17:55:30 GMT
341 times
Money stealers !!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Paypal...
I had to open a German bank account, which costs me about $3 a month so I
could use the service.
But it works with Netherlands now too (your're form Netherlands right),
but drawback are those "excange rates" - which they also appy for Germany,
..I knew something would go wrong - it was just "too cheap to be true" !

You are off best by waiting with transferring till your at least above • $100
or you'll lose a big part in the exchange process. I usually try to wait
till my balance is over $200, although that hasn't happened much lately ;)

Well, it's actually the same excange rate is the same for any amount
so if you excange 10*10 $ you'll loose the same as if you excange 100 $
at once ! ... First payment that we recieved was around 400$ and we
lost around 30 Euros in the excange process !!!

For instance Paypal excange rate is 1.1140 Euro per dollar (today) while
XE says it's 1.18554 - applied to 100 $ - you'll get  118.5 at xe
or 111.4 from Paypal !!!

Unfortunately , it's the only fast and reliable way of paying people in
foreign countries at the moment. But as soon as some other way
becomes  available which is cheaper, I'll make the switch.
We subsribed to BidPay recently and now avaiting first payment ...
we'll see how it's going to be !
Still American Express Travellers Cheques are our favourite !
Those are cheap, safe and we can cash any amount without
any problems or extra fees !!!

Enjoy !

P.S. Jan Albert - have you got our email regarding 6350,6375 etc ?

Dejan & Nives
Lugnet # 595

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Paypal - Money stealers !!!!
(...) Haven't tried anything here... a German bank account was pretty handy anyway since I do lots of business with German people and this way I avoid having to ship cash or cheques/money orders. And at the time I needed a solution for my Paypal (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Paypal - Money stealers !!!!
(...) Welcome to the wonderful world of Paypal... I had to open a German bank account, which costs me about $3 a month so I could use the service. You are off best by waiting with transferring till your at least above $100 or you'll lose a big part (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to

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