| AucZILLA XII is up. (URL) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| Umm... mostly, Todd. I got error messages (access forbidden) on the links to individual item images. (...) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| ditto (...) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Oh, oops, I forgot to tell you the "secret handshake." When it says that, type "wugga wugga zub zub" and press Enter. --Todd (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| Oh, right. Why didn't I think of that? Meanwhile, is there another secret code to get all of the bid sheets to come to me at once? They've been showing up two at a time about once every two hours. So far, I'm only up to about message #14 (...) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Maybe...lemme see what I can do. (...) Ya, they're staggered -- or round-robin'd -- or something. First message #1 goes out to everyone, then message #2, then #3, etc., all the way up to #38. The reason it takes a long time is because it's (...) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) I'd say Todd has things setup so as to not totally flood pair's network. With what, 50+ messages going out to probably several hundred people, that certainly could happen. Not sure if Todd is bound by the same "rules" that I am with my little (...) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Was there a message #13? Mine seem to have come in random order, and I noticed that I had #12 and #14, but not #13 (among others). (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Ya, there is a message #13. (...) The outgoing mailer sometimes prioritizes the queue by, among other things, message size, so with tens of thousands of mails going out, it tends to shuffle things a bit sometimes. I just asked it to re-send (...) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Hey Todd, just how does the Auczilla software recognize your email address? In other words does it have to match spot on or would it recognize "munged" email addresses? I ask because I think I sent in a bunch of bids with my "regular" usenet (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Any address coming in which doesn't match spot on with addresses in the bidder DB is highlighted, and I look at the name and figure out who it goes to. This is relatively rare (only usually a few times per auction) because people tend to list (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Exactly that, I started with: mtimm@usinternet.com went to this: mtimm@SPAMTHISusinternet.com in my usenet copy of agent, just too much spam if I don't. hmm just checked the outbox on both copies and the messages appear in neither of them, (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Thanks, both copies of #13 were in my inbox when I got home last night, along with the remainder of the messages. :-) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| Todd, I have to commend you on AucZILLA. It's an exceedingly moby frob! I have rarely seen such a slick interface that needs so little coaxing, yet is simple enough that even dullards such as myself can fail to screw it up. -Cheese (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.auction)
| |  | | Re: AucZILLA XII
| (...) Todd's a frood who really knows where his towel is. XFUT: .off-topic.fun James (URL) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.off-topic.fun)
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