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Re: Cheshire fest now 03/03/2001
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 11:34:10 GMT
546 times
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Neil Everett (<>) wrote at

I would very much like to attend too, with my Caterham model in tow, but am
moving house this weekend and start a new job on Monday, so it may be a late
decision to come or not!  Will keep you posted on progress, wish me luck.....

Great stuff! Good luck. If I can cram enough people in, I can turn the
heating off :-)
Tony Priestman

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Cheshire fest now 03/03/2001
(...) ...and they call the Dutch parsimonious! ;) For purposes of calculation, remember that I'm an American, so I generate the hot air of at least four Brits. narf LFB (24 years ago, 3-Feb-01, to

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  Re: Cheshire fest now 03/03/2001
(...) I would very much like to attend too, with my Caterham model in tow, but am moving house this weekend and start a new job on Monday, so it may be a late decision to come or not! Will keep you posted on progress, wish me luck..... Neil (24 years ago, 1-Feb-01, to

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