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Re: Bionicle in 'not so C*&p' shock!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic.bionicle
Fri, 2 Feb 2001 22:45:53 GMT
983 times
Lego really have got another think coming if they expect people to collect
72 masks though. Even younger kids won't be taken in by this. With one mask
in each main set, and only two masks in each mask pack (for £1.75 or
whatever) the amount of money required to even attempt this is simply


The answer is yes they probably will want to collect them all, it may be a
sad fact to admit to hardened Lego fans of the past but the current
generation don't see Lego in the way we do. Bionicle is the first Lego I
have seen to be of interest to children in my class.
As for the cost £1.75 (£1.49 being the cheapest round here) this is nothing
to many children, it is frightening to see just how much money some children
seem to have.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bionicle in 'not so C*&p' shock!
(...) That's interesting. What age group are the children in your class? (...) You seem to be right, judging by the way these things are flying off the shelves of my local toy stores. Still, to get 72 masks you will have to buy: 6x Bionicles @£6 (...) (24 years ago, 3-Feb-01, to, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Bionicle in 'not so C*&p' shock!
(...) I sort of half agree with all of that... I think Bionicle provides some neat parts to bulid some cool looking robots. Slizers was a step in the right direction, Lego faltered somewhat with the Roboriders (there are some awful parts in those (...) (24 years ago, 1-Feb-01, to, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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