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Re: time to get what we want
Sun, 1 Sep 2002 20:01:24 GMT
3594 times
In, David Arnon writes:
Where did you address it? email or an actual letter?
I'd love to join your efforts and send my similar request as well.

- David

Dear David

I blasted both shop@home europe and shop@home US with alot of mails and got
some responses on the mails and also a few letters about how the internet
orders is relative new to them and how they want to try it for a while in
only a few countries before they'll ship all over the world.

Also I called them several times (to shop@home europe 0044-1753-495000)
and talked with a very nice guy named Chris Arnsby (unfortuntly he deosn't
work there anymore), but still I guess those who I was intouch with can't do
much about it. That's why I wrote it so maybe someone from LEGO Direct will
see this and hopefully will do something about it. Still it will be a great
help if can found out who incharge on shop@home.

I orderd once from shop@home and Fed-Ex did the delivery and although Fex-Ex
made a splendid job, it cost me a fortune, not recommanded.

Thanks for the support and hopefully by the help of the other Israeli AFOLs
(I know were not a lot) we'll convince LEGO that it will be profit for them
to ship to Israel also.

Yaron "Webrain" Dori

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: time to get what we want
A. What address did you use? B. What were your main points/arguments (to save me some thinking time :-) Thanks, David (...) (23 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to
  Re: time to get what we want
(...) <snip> (...) Hey guys, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there's not much chance of letters like that helping. I had a chance to talk to a LEGO employee who, IIRC, is pretty high in the marketing heirarchy, at Brickfest 2001. Her name is Peggy (...) (23 years ago, 4-Sep-02, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: time to get what we want
Where did you address it? email or an actual letter? I'd love to join your efforts and send my similar request as well. - David (...) (23 years ago, 1-Sep-02, to,

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