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Re: Lego Apache?
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 01:03:36 GMT
1231 times
Hmmmm .. hate to say this, but this project is shelfed until I can get more

I'll take pictures of what I have so far, and then post a few to give it scale
I'll post my website when I get it done ...


Lee Jorgensen wrote:

"Fredrik Glöckner" wrote:

That sounds cool.  You should make sure to publish images of that when
it's finished.

Of course ... I, er ... my wife just got a new camera (non-digital) and
hopefully I can get some good pics of it ...

Oh, and by the way, you have seen these large Technic helicopters,

I haven't run across these before ... thanks for the links.  They're

And Leo Dorst's helicopter rotor is a good inspiration as well:


I'm planning to use an adaptation of this design for my model.

I also plan on motorizing the model, though, I fear that it might
a single motor.  What would be really nice, would be to have a switch that

would sweep a voltage over a range ...

+ ...... 0 ...... -  (so full + would be +9 volts, 0 would be 0 volts
(duh) and
- would be -9 volts.  And in halfway between + and 0 would be +4.5 volts,
etc.  That way you could have a tail rotor that would have a fixed pitch,
vary the voltage to control your yaw)

Lee Jorgensen, Programmer/Analyst - Bankoe Systems, Inc.
mailto:jorgensen@bankoe.moc  <-- reverse moc
mailto:ljorgensen@uswest.ten  <-- reverse ten

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego Apache?
(...) Of course ... I, er ... my wife just got a new camera (non-digital) and hopefully I can get some good pics of it ... (...) I haven't run across these before ... thanks for the links. They're pretty cool. (...) I'm planning to use an adaptation (...) (26 years ago, 7-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

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