Re: How does the voting at the Lego Factory Competition work?
Wed, 17 Nov 2004 18:59:34 GMT
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In lugnet.general, Jindrich Kubec wrote:
Marc Nelson Jr. wrote:
Also, the current No. 1 Senior model is not displaying correctly for me. I
cant see what it is. Anyone else having this problem?
It looks funny for me,too. A few of the models seem to have this problem. I
havent loaded any of them into LDD to see what they look like, so I dont
know if its a problem with the model, the website or what.
Cant see it too. Tried 2 different browsers. Im quite surprised how it
can get any votes at all. The jpg downloaded from the site is plain
wrong, so I doubt anyone can get better (Ive tried to reload the
picture multiple times).
This is just silly. Obviously something has gone very wrong with the vote
tallying (or worse, someone has already figured out how to cheat!).
What do you mean by I havent loaded them into LDD? I dont think you
can download the models, at least I havent found an option of doing so.
I wish they did let you download them. I guess theyre afraid of people copying
other peoples designs and techniques. The problem is that the relatively small
rendered image they give you is inadequate for letting you make a well informed
vote. They tell you:
Design - Does the model look nice or is it messy? Does the color, structure, details and overall looks fit together well? Ingenuity - Does the model feature fun, surprising and cool use of elements? Stability - Does the model look like it would hold together in the real world, or would it fall apart?
I think its very hard to judge any of these things with the pictures they give
you. At least you need a hi-res picture, but better would be to let you
download it and rotate it, zoom, etc, in LDD.
And the last thing about the competition. I thought the rule was to fit
into 16x16 studs, but model #2 in senior section clearly violates that.
I think Id need some clarification.
In my opinion, the Container Ship and Dock should be accepted as complying
with the 16x16 studs rule. While the ship part does overhang, I think its okay
because its a vehicle and doesnt need to be fixed to the rest of the model.
My guess is that the reason for the 16 x 16 rule is so that a bunch of these
models could be placed together to create the Micro City. In such a situation,
assuming the model was lined up with other waterside models, youd have no
problem with the ship overhanging. Just my opinion, well see what the judges
Paul D.
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