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Re: space legends and the SW licence
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 14:58:51 GMT
814 times
In lugnet.general, Fredrik Glöckner writes:
"John Gerlach" <> writes:

So the 'Life on Mars' sets are ok, since they are strictly 'ground'

I realize that most vehicles in the LoM-series are ground vehicles,
but there is the 7315 Solar Explorer, which is clearly a flying space
ship.  I also seem to recall that some of the alternate models in the
LoM-series are flying space ships, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, the contract may have been worded slightly different from your
quote, so that the Solar Explorer is accepted anyway.

But still, I would say that the distinction between LoM and a full
fledged space theme is small and subtle.  So the clause in the
contract can hardly be worth much in my opinion!


I read that LOM sets were an off-shoot of the Town Spaceport sets already
out on the astronauts and science guys, etc.
I also think the Solar Explorer is a loop-hole since there is a probe and
ground vehicle attatched to the ship.  But yes, it is, ahem, a flying space

Benjamin Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: space legends and the SW licence
(...) I realize that most vehicles in the LoM-series are ground vehicles, but there is the 7315 Solar Explorer, which is clearly a flying space ship. I also seem to recall that some of the alternate models in the LoM-series are flying space ships, (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.general,

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