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 General / 32371
32370  |  32372
say it isn't so....
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 16:46:19 GMT
699 times
In lugnet.general, Jonathan Wilson writes:
We all know that the SW licence means no new space sets for a while but
does it also cover rereleases?
Do we know one way or the other from TLC/Lego Direct?
If not, how would one go about asking Brad about this?

uh so while they're doing SW they AREN'T gonna
release any new space themes?

that sux


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: say it isn't so....
That's the jist of the rumor that has been going around for a while now. IIRC, the rumor was they are not going to release any space theme WITH SPACESHIPS while SW was around was the more specific version of it that has gone around.... This has been (...) (24 years ago, 7-Aug-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  space legends and the SW licence
We all know that the SW licence means no new space sets for a while but does it also cover rereleases? Do we know one way or the other from TLC/Lego Direct? If not, how would one go about asking Brad about this? (24 years ago, 7-Aug-01, to lugnet.general,

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