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Re: Packaging
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 23:24:24 GMT
1114 times
I've only recently begun saving the bags since TLG has started printing the
set pictures on the bags. Usually though, I only expect to get the pieces
and instructions with auction winnings.


Kim Toll writes:
FWIW, I only keep the box itself (the outside shell, with the printing on
it).  I don't keep any of the plastic bags or plastic trays. And if I buy a
used set in an auction that says 'with box', I only assume that they have
the outer shell of the box, not the inner cardboard tray, or plastic trays.
Nor do I expect it to come with any of the collateral material (other than
the instructions).

So, to answer your question, having the plastic bags, or plastic and
cardboard trays wouldn't really increase the value of a used set to me.

I personally keep one of each catalog or flyer that come in sets, but I
don't keep multiples.  They just pile up too quickly.

I'd be interested to hear what others expect.


Simon Robinson wrote in message ...
What are people's views on whether the resale value of used boxed
sets is
affected by (a) whether they contain the 1-page catalogues and
service sheets, and (b) whether they contain the transparent
plastic bags most of the pieces come in.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Packaging
OK - thanks to you and everyone for your comments. Good point about the newer bags that have sets printed on them. Perhaps I might start chucking out my bags - then I'll be able to save more space by putting more of the boxes inside each other. On a (...) (26 years ago, 17-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Packaging
FWIW, I only keep the box itself (the outside shell, with the printing on it). I don't keep any of the plastic bags or plastic trays. And if I buy a used set in an auction that says 'with box', I only assume that they have the outer shell of the (...) (26 years ago, 15-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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