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Re: Old LEGO
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 17:46:53 GMT
960 times
John DiRienzo wrote:

I really like your idea of gathering this information together in some sort
of 'archives' on a webpage.  Gary Istok has written some terrific articles
that have appeared on LUGNET.  They can be found using this URL that Todd
put together:

   I've read Gary's posts several times, and I am glad someone got them all in
one place!  I think it would be great to have some pictures to go along with
educational series, too.   Although, I never got the impression that anyone
here was bothered by Gary's long posts, I have to guess that some people aren't
too interested in this old stuff.  If I am going to be asking a lot of
questions about this type of stuff, I don't want to be bothering people who
aren't interested.  So, I thought it would be wise to have a sub group for old
LEGO enthusiasts, where we can talk about these things, ask stupid questions,
figure things out.  I'd be glad to ask my questions here; hopefully I will get
the answers - I am of an inquisitve nature and don't want to be a bother to
uninterested readers.  Sometimes I feel like Gary must dread my emails,
with so many questions!  Also, .general is so general that it is hard to find
things about old LEGO specifically - it would be nice if others who come along
with a mutual interest could be able to get caught up on the well known and the
little known without reading 17,000+ posts to the general group.
   OTOH, if only a small number of people are going to participate regularly in
such a group, I suppose that could be done equally as well by email, as it has
been in my experience, and I don't see much reason for a new group either.  On
the occasions when i can't find an answer through emailing, I could ask
here...  I
am really excited about the new infos I have come across, and perhaps general
readership will be more open to it than I expect!

Of course there are no pictures.  :)

   His words are pretty descriptive, and pictures are hard to come up with, but
I think there is room for some improvement in that aspect, too.

So perhaps using some existing materials (with Gary's permission, of
course) and contributions from others (box art and other scans) and perhaps
people writing about a particular old set that they themselves own and
love, you might have the makings of a very unique website.  It would
certainly be one that I would visit and attempt to contribute to.

   Gary and I discussed before doing a page on Parts Packs of the 50s and 60s,
and I did get some pictures up, but I feel that some info is needed, as well as
quite a few more pictures, to make the page complete.
   I also would like to get pictures of the sets and of the boxes, for the sets
that could be combined with the Town Plan board.  I don't have many of those
sets myself, so hopefully someone out there may be able to take some pictures.

   I also really like the idea of getting people who own these old sets to
offer reviews... I think just about every set of the past twenty years has a
review, and it would be nice to have reviews going farther back.

I personally think that the LUGNET.GENERAL group would be a fine group to
use when discussing such a project, but of course that's a busy group.
What about .PUBLISHING since it would be discussions about a website.  Or
what about .EDUCATION since it would be about educating people about the
history of LEGO?  Just my thoughts.

   I think I agree with you, after mulling it over, .general is a fine place
for this, being exposed to a large number of readers who can share their
knowledge and excitement, and .publish always serves its purpose well - there
are a lot of smart developers in that group who can help with any
implementation problems.  I have to go eat dinner now, Happy Easter! John

Expert Builder Website - The Megaproject Showcase

I have been thinking about this topic for a very long time.  My take on this is
that in lugnet.general, the most people will be exposed to the history behind
LEGO.  If we were to make say a lugnet.history, or a lugnet.classic, perhaps a lot
of people will miss the topics.  I know that there are a lot of other areas of
LUGNET that I rarely venture to.

The one area I agree on is pictures.  We do need to get more pictures into it.
Until now, I have been extensively referencing other websites, such as Horst
Lehner's and Joe Lauher/Bill Katz Catalog websites.  But there are plenty of

John makes another valid point.  The old sets (50's and 60's) are not pictured very
well in the old catalogs.  This is especially true of early European catalogs.

Here are some of the things I think we need, and a LUGNET location is ideal:

1) a pictorial history of the old 1950's & 1960's parts packs.  These are
(pictorially) very beautiful boxes.  I have 19 different, but I know there are
more.  Today's parts packs are very uninspiring polybags compared to the beautiful
artwork of the 1956-65 timeframe.

2) a pictorial history of old 1950's & 1960's regular sets, and when applicable,
the parts list (these were included in early sets, instructions were on the box

3) a complete catalog reference site, that has USA/Canada, German, UK, Danish,
Swedish, and all other European catalogs from the early era (1956-1972).  This
should include TLC and Samsonite LEGO catalogs.

4) a Town Plan History.  Before there was Train, Technic and all other systems,
there was the Town Plan (1957-65).  I have the old/new Town Plan boards, as well as
the resources to build all 9 different Town Plan city scapes.  I would like to
build and photograph/document all the different Town Plan layouts, from the
earliest 1957 layout to the later USA/Canada and UK variations.  And talk about
some of the specialty pieces (old oil drums from the Danish Esso Service, the
Cyclists/Motorcyclists in the European Town Plans, the very rare Policemen set from
the early European era that somehow never got listed in any period catalogs, and
the old trees & shrubs, road signs, street lamps, and Esso Signage/Pumps that were
the mainstay of the Town Plan).

I am going out to buy a scanner in the next week or two, so I will be scanning ad

Gary Istok

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Old LEGO
(...) is (...) lot (...) I have conceded that this is the best place for historical LEGO posts, and I am glad to see their has been some discussion of Old LEGO here since I mentioned the idea of a new group. (...) I have been doing the same, and (...) (25 years ago, 1-May-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Old LEGO
(...) is (...) lot (...) What you really need is a detailed description of each set. I have done this for all of the Technic sets (~250 to date), and it makes for a rather large site: (URL) I am sure that there is enough interest for a project like (...) (25 years ago, 1-May-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Old LEGO
(...) I've read Gary's posts several times, and I am glad someone got them all in one place! I think it would be great to have some pictures to go along with Gary's educational series, too. Although, I never got the impression that anyone here was (...) (25 years ago, 23-Apr-00, to lugnet.general)

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