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Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Fri, 25 Feb 2000 18:04:43 GMT
89 times
I recently received the 2 new LEGO Modelers Books published by DK Press: "Build
Fabulous Figures" and "Build Amazing Animals."  I would like to get the parts
for the models and give them to my son as a gift.  This is where the problems

I have a few parts, quite a few. But I couldn't locate some of the pieces these
books needed.  (I wonder why LEGO didn't think this through a bit more.)

So I called LEGO Consumer Affairs to see if they could point me in the right
direction. ;-)

Naturally they were extremely helpful.  However there were a few parts they
couldn't help with. Of course they pointed out that you could substitute other
parts for the ones in the books. (Sure, but the books don't state that, and a
green Polar Bear just doesn't look right)

Since this a rare parts post - maybe Gary Istok can help…

If you can help me locate or trade for these parts, please contact me.  I can
trade, buy, or give trade credit on BAYLIT. (

1) 2x4x2 Top Rounded White Brick with Black spots.  Consumer Affairs remembered
that this had appeared in a Dalmatian promo set, but couldn't help further.
Does any one know which set this is? Or have the brick?  It's used in the
Artist in the Fabulous Figures book.

2) 2x2 White Roof Apex Low Slopes (2 needed).  I last saw these in a DACTA set
from 1995, but I don't have any, and LEGO Consumer Affairs didn't either. It's
used in the Amazing Animals' Polarbear. Alternatively, a 2x4 White low slope
could be substituted.

3) 4x4 Brown Plate. I don't know of any source for this - Neither did LEGO
Consumer Affairs.  They promised to pass this on to management. Does any one
know if this part has ever been produced for sale?  Got one?  It's used in the
Fabulous Figures' Goalkeeper.

4) 2x3 White 45 Slope (2 needed) I forgot to ask Consumer Affairs about this
one. I know it's been produced, but I don't have any.  Does anyone have a few?

OTHER RARE/HARD TO FIND (But I don't need) :

a) White 1x2x3 Inverse Extreme Slope - Where does this part come from????  2
are used for the Antelope's legs.

b) The Antelope also needs 1 1x4x2 white arch - Any one know a source?

c) White 6x7 Boat Bow plate - For the Polar Bear - Where did this come from?

d) The old 2x2 white corner slopes… 4 are needed for the Ballerina

e) Black and White 2x3 rounded end bricks. Both are required liberally for
these figures. Anyone know a current source? (I'd like to get some more)

Any help is appreciated and if there's anyone out there doing this too, perhaps
this will help them as well.


Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) [snip] (...) Check out set # 6277, the Imperial Trading Post, one of the *best* Lego Pirates sets *ever* (and one that I DON'T HAVE...grumble) >:-( (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
In, Jon Kozan writes: <much snippage> (...) These are/were available, 6 to a set in 6337 Fast Track Finish: (URL) you can't find it locally (it is a 1996 set) There are some in my area, but at about MSRP+10% - which is (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) Hi John, I can probably help you with items.... 2, 4, d, e. The 1x4x2 arch can be created with a 1x4x1 arch and (2) 1x1x1 bricks. These pieces make the same identical arch. I just looked at your BAYLIT website, and maybe we can do some (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) :) Yeah, I think it would be phenomenally helpful if they just built from sets currently on the market-- at least then they can more or less guarantee that the pieces are available SOMEWHERE! (...) The other thing about the Amazing Animals (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) #1703 Dalmation Fire Station (US:~1994) Send me email if you still need the brick. /Eric/ (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to

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