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Re: Pixelego Viewer available
Wed, 26 Jan 2000 03:58:08 GMT
910 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

This didn't work for me. The left image was certainly cute but the right
image never filled in although the applet was running. Does it take a
while? Do I need a newer browser than NS 4.07?

Or is it that the **USER** has to be a little pixellated for it to work?


This *should* work on all Java-enabled browsers back to Netscape 2.0
(it's written in Java 1.0.2). Not sure what the trouble is on your end.
I've only tested thus far on: N4.7 and IE5.0 on Win95.

Eric Harshbarger / /

"Oh please, if people are going to start telling the truth around
here... I'm going to bed." - Jackie-O (Parker Posey, THE HOUSE OF YES)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pixelego Viewer available
This didn't work for me. The left image was certainly cute but the right image never filled in although the applet was running. Does it take a while? Do I need a newer browser than NS 4.07? Or is it that the **USER** has to be a little pixellated (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to lugnet.general)

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