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Re: Calling for Box Status and New Rule to vote on
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:14:11 GMT
82 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

Doug Finney wrote:

Probably not a solution for all the boxes (maybe a couple of them?) but
how about a dynamic list rather than a static one. Rather than sending
the box to whoever first expressed interest 6 months ago, send it to
whoever replies first to a post saying it's ready to move on. This would
also solve the problem of lack of updates and hopefully cut down on the
number of boxes going to people who don't have time to deal with them
"now" but will "soon".

OOOOhhh.. I like that idea!

I like the idea so long as there is some mechanism which makes sure that
those who don't sit glued to their computer all day will get a decent
chance to receive a box, and even better, something that makes sure
there is a good flow (i.e. if you're responsible and reasonably active,
you will get a box about as often as someone who is glued to their
computer and is able to respon first most of the time).

Basically, what I want to see is a system which makes sure that the
boxes visit people in a well distributed manner. The problems with the
system right now is that the way the lists were created, there are too
many parallel distribution paths, and that boxes get stuck.

The above isn't coming out very clearly, but I hope the general gist of
my feeling is apparent.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Calling for Box Status and New Rule to vote on
(...) OOOOhhh.. I like that idea! (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to, lugnet.general)

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