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Re: Just for fun, take a poll
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 19:39:25 GMT
2252 times
Hee!Hee!  Lotsa fun!  (I loved the old Lego Purity Test, wherever that may
be...)  Anyway, Bill & Mary were the first two (named) figs I ever knew, and
then the Ice-Babe was the first whose fan-given name seemed (to me) to be so
quickly and widely accepted for popular use (and she's a rare collector item
too!).  So you know where my votes were...   :)


In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
I made these recently, intending to share them with LUGNET members. I
hope you will all participate, so we can get some solid results! Should
be interesting..

This one harks back to olden days of The idea isn't mine.
Credit goes to Derek Schin, and a few other folks (can't remember
exactly whom. Calum?)

This next one is a silly idea I had. Maybe we can ask this question
every year? The images are courtesy of Fibblesnork and

Let me know what you think!


Message is in Reply To:
  Just for fun, take a poll
I made these recently, intending to share them with LUGNET members. I hope you will all participate, so we can get some solid results! Should be interesting.. This one harks back to olden days of The idea isn't mine. Credit goes to (...) (23 years ago, 9-Aug-02, to, lugnet.announce) !! 

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