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My new toy!!! :-)
Fri, 30 Jun 2000 02:09:35 GMT
1047 times
I broke down and decided to get a cell phone. So this evening I bought one. So
when I was getting the Sales Rep to fill out the contract I asked if it would
be possible to choose my new number. So anyways, my new number has the last 4-
digits *5346* or as I like to put it *LEGO*  :-)


Even my communications describe my obsession. :-)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: My new toy!!! :-)
(...) That's pretty neat. I've always tried to get the last four digits of my phone number to mean something, but everything I've wanted has always been taken. My telefone number has a zero and a one, so nothing work there. The best I could do with (...) (25 years ago, 30-Jun-00, to
  Re: My new toy!!! :-)
(...) Maybe you'd better check TLC's Fair Use Policy about that! Dave! (25 years ago, 8-Sep-00, to

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