Re: Enough with the microphones
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 01:04:04 GMT
1642 times
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In lugnet.dear-lego, Doug Dropeskey writes:
> Dear LEGO,
> Please stop putting microphones on minifig heads. The Alpha Team sets have
> some of the best minifig faces I have ever seen but I will not buy a single
> one because of those damned mics. Please either design a mic part or do
> away with them entirely in all lines, forever. Legos are great because
> they are interchangeable--Star Wars sets becomes fodder for a castles.
> Castle sets get used for spacecraft. Town sets are incorporated into
> submarines. Every set is just a pile of parts for whatever you want to
> build. But the minifig faces are different--the second you paint on that
> mic I can no longer use that face for a castle or ninja or even Adventurers
> minifig. Frankly, I do not want them on my space minifigs either (way too
> low tech).
> While I am at it, one more comment: not so many years ago I used to
> regularly complain in RTL that you did not produce enough female faces.
> Since then you have made very good progress--one female in Spaceport, two
> female Adventurers, one female Ninja, one female Racer, two females in
> Castle, two females in Star Wars, one female in Rock Raiders, and now two
> females in Alpha Team. I may be forgetting a few (and Leia and Padme may be
> the same), but even so, that is *tremendous* progress from four years ago
> (when maybe three female faces had ever existed) and I truly appreciate it.
> But of those 12 new female minifig faces, *FOUR* have microphones. ARGH!
> In summation, please try to make new minifig faces generic enough that they
> can cross over into as many themes as possible. This obviously does not
> apply to mummies and droids and things of that nature, but for 'people' it
> would really help those of us who like to build up variety in our minifig
> populations. You will generate more sales that way too, obviously.
I agree with your pleas to LEGO. I think that Lego can either increase minifigs
by putting Microphones on Minifigs that need microphones in that set.
For instance: Jet from Rockraiders needed a microphone in the Rock Raiders
Minifigs set for communication, but in the bigger sets she is in, she does not
need a mic because there should be a radio in a large set. So my point is, Lego
can do that, or they could do another idea I have been thinking of that many
people in this thread suggested. A detachable microphone. It could be done.
If anyone has noticed, in most recent Shop at Home catalogs, the customer
service minifig (she looks like a cool babe with VERY COOL blue eyes and a
black ponytail) has an detachable mic. That is a sign that unstationary head
accessories are possible. I think that Lego would get more kicks if this idea
was supported and produced.
P.S.( If I had to go out with a minifig, it would definitely be the Shop at
Home Operator with gorgeous blue eyes! )
What do you guys think of her?
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Enough with the microphones
| (...) Ok, I realize this is all in fun and all, but: if we as a community made up largely of male geeks wish to avoid being lumped in with the comic book store nerd from the Simpsons, it might be a good thing for us to not automatically call every (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)
|  | | Re: Enough with the microphones
| (...) Not necessarily. It looks to me that the Shop At Home minifig is the result of a skillfully edited photo. The microphone looks to me like it would be hard to work with, but easy to draw in a painting program. (...) In one of my spaceships, the (...) (24 years ago, 3-Nov-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Enough with the microphones
| Dear LEGO, Please stop putting microphones on minifig heads. The Alpha Team sets have some of the best minifig faces I have ever seen but I will not buy a single one because of those damned mics. Please either design a mic part or do away with them (...) (24 years ago, 30-Oct-00, to lugnet.dear-lego) !!
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