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 Database / Brictionary / 86
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Re: What words describe the Lego elements?
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:58:45 GMT
3382 times
Steve Bliss <> wrote:

A common piece of information, that many neophytes could supply:

"How much does it hurt when you step on the piece barefoot?"

     Or "How good a missile is it to throw at my kid brother?"

Both are hard to quantify, don't you think?  I'm sure neither question
will be asked by my version of the brictionary.

    I do have a small JPG file of the MS Access display of
characteristics.  I'll have to look around for a spot to post it, but
it should give you an idea of the kinds of distinctions to be made
among Lego elements.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What words describe the Lego elements?
(...) A common piece of information, that many neophytes could supply: "How much does it hurt when you step on the piece barefoot?" Steve (25 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to lugnet.db.brictionary)

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