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The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 22:09:40 GMT
! (details)
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.announce because it seems appropriate somehow because plenty of story stuff goes on there - I hope I'm not
being too presumptuous because, well, it'll be obvious momentarily

Greetings all.

I had the thought quite some time ago to put together an online sequential art
piece (read: comicbook). So I commissioned a script from my Brother the Writer,
allowing carte-blanche - all he had to do was keep it within a certain length.
What I got a few months later was Instalment One of The Wanderer.
Well, it sat for quite some time (several more months) before I got 'round to
working on it, but I did finally get to it over the last few weeks. It's hardly
top-shelf material, but I didn't want to spend TOO much time on it either -
it's been waiting long enough.
A lot of the panels might a bit huge, so forewarned is forearmed. I've got it
set up so that you can decide from the Page view which Panels you want to see,
or just click right on through them all if you like. I'm curious how the
interface works out for people.
There's only one instalment so far, though my brother's been making noises of
three more. We'll see whether it's warranted to develop them further.
Anyway, you can get to it by clicking [The Wanderer] link found here;

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Lugnetting. :)
Thanks for your time.

Message has 9 Replies:
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Hi Kevin! Wow, that *rocks*. Oughtta be PG-13 with all that violence, but it looks like a very promising start of a great story. More comments below... (...) You're not being too presumptuous; you're welcome to join CW. A lot of people just post (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to,
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Whoops! Shiri's post reminded me; I'd forgotten to add that there is some measure of "splatter factor" in this piece, so those with delicate sensibilities and/or young children should click (or not) appropriately. K (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to lugnet.announce,,  
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) very nice work, kevin! i whole-heartedly encourage you to continue this project! the design and execution of your story-telling is top-notch! (IMH(P)O)* the photography is superb. please divulge what kind of camera (digital; film?) and (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to,
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Kevin Maynes wrote: <SNIP>> (...) Wow! What a great story! I'm not always too into the blod and guts method of story-telling, but this was an engagin tale! I really liked the photography (as was mentioned before) but must make particular mention of (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to,
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) I like your story but I feel that the excess blood in the story is too reminiscent of Mortal Kombat and too many anime scenes in anime so I believe that if you want an equally effective scene, you should use angles in your work. I love the (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to,
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Wow!!! Lego chambara!!! Sonny Chiba would be proud of you. Everyone else has already drooled over the good stuff (pic quality, image angles, nature layout, etc) so let me just say that I think this is a great adaptation of the manga/movie/anime (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-01, to,
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
hey ur story sorta reminds me of this movie called Ninja Scroll..ur chracter resembles the main chracter jubei and the battle resembles the beggining of the movie..just though ud point that out (24 years ago, 12-Jul-01, to,
Hello, everyone. I know everyone has already shared their views on minifig factions, but I am new so I'll put in my two cents: Black Knights: Epitome of chivalry and all around heroicness. Dragon Masters: Part of BK. Royal Knights, Knights Kingdom: (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) *SNIP* Well, looks good so far. When is part 6 coming? (24 years ago, 15-Aug-01, to,

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