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Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 22:45:42 GMT
5323 times
Hi Kevin!

Wow, that *rocks*. Oughtta be PG-13 with all that violence, but it looks
like a very promising start of a great story.

More comments below...

In lugnet.announce, Kevin Maynes writes: because plenty of story stuff goes on there - I hope I'm not
being too presumptuous

You're not being too presumptuous; you're welcome to join CW. A lot of
people just post here without joining... and that's ok, I guess... but
you're very much invited to join.

A lot of the panels might a bit huge, so forewarned is forearmed. I've got it
set up so that you can decide from the Page view which Panels you want to see,
or just click right on through them all if you like. I'm curious how the
interface works out for people.

Works ok, but I'd rather go page-by-page - having an option to see a big
version of the entire page. If going frame by frame, I'd rather not have a
new window opened on every page, just keep going on through...

Altogether - very nice. Both Chris and I liked it.

-Shiri (and Chris)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) I have been thinking that I should expand beyond LEGO Space soon so I will try (one of these days) to build a LEGO Castle. I will also see that story. Jesse Long P.S. Are you still angry at me, Shiri? (24 years ago, 9-Jul-01, to,
  Re: The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
(...) Thanks for reminding me about that by the way. I'd intended to add a caveat regarding the potential need for a rating, but forgot in mid-post. I just hope my earlier slap-dash reply covers it.. (...) I guess this is going to need some work, (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  The Wanderer, an online image-novella.
X-P'd to: .announce because it seems appropriate somehow because plenty of story stuff goes on there - I hope I'm not being too presumptuous because, well, it'll be obvious momentarily Greetings all. I had the thought (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to lugnet.announce,, ! 

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