Re: Is 6097 Night Lords Castle worth it
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 19:52:10 GMT
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In lugnet.castle, David Eaton writes:
> In lugnet.castle, James Brown writes:
> > 6097 doesn't have a lot of interesting bits. There's a couple doors, and
> > some revolving walls, but it's really (IMHO) kinda boring for straight play
> > value. If all you're looking for is display/play, and not as a parts source
> > - I would suggest getting 5988 Pharaoh's Forbidden Ruins instead. As a
> > model, it's nicer, has more stuff to do, and has recently been hitting the
> > same kind of discounting that 6097 has.
> I'm gonna have to disagree with the "doesn't have a lot of interesting bits",
> but that's mostly due to my definition of "interesting" and "a lot". I liked
> the fact that it had: 2 sets of doors, dark grey wall sections, inverse red
> slopes, the windows w/ lattice inserts, inverse 1x2x3 grey slopes (and regular
> ones), huge "quality" green baseplates, the 1x4 arches, and there's probably
> more, too that I'm forgetting...
Oh, I'll quite happily admit that there's lots of interesting *parts*...I've
gotten lots of them for parts!!! It's just that as a model, there isn't much
to do.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Is 6097 Night Lords Castle worth it
| Thanks guys. I made my decision to hold off for now and wait for some big sales of some other older sets. Maybe I will get 2 Witches Windships for the dragons. Its a 2 for the price of one, sale at only 4 bucks each. Cool. My favorite set right now (...) (25 years ago, 18-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Is 6097 Night Lords Castle worth it
| (...) I'm gonna have to disagree with the "doesn't have a lot of interesting bits", but that's mostly due to my definition of "interesting" and "a lot". I liked the fact that it had: 2 sets of doors, dark grey wall sections, inverse red slopes, the (...) (25 years ago, 18-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)
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