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Re: All of those [adventurer] minifigs
lugnet.adventurers,, lugnet.castle
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 00:54:05 GMT
152 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:
cross-posted to .build.minifigs and .castle

In lugnet.adventurers, Jeff Johnston writes:
In lugnet.adventurers, Markus Wolf writes:
  My minifigs never/rarely stay in their original state.  I switch heads and
hats to give my Lego community different personalities.  For instance, the
baddie from "Spider's Secret" had a white hat that I thought would be more
appropriate for my Ward Granger western hero.  I don't have "hundreds" of
minifigs, but I strive to make them all a tad bit different, and most of my
characters I know by name.

I know what you mean!  My primary interest is Castle, and most of the
Adventurers heads work out OK for that.

I'm a castle person too...

[...] and I think that Richard Parsons over in
.pirates is using Johnny Thunder's smirking mug as a pirate captain.

I have 5 Johnny T faces so I decided to use them as smug knights. Under the
new castle helmet, you can see little difference between them and the black
mustached knight (See <set:4811>).
I use Johnny's torso for castle as well. After Craig (H.) told me to (and I
quote) "Grab a Johnny Thunder and go to town, literally" I just had to follow
his advice and take off the gun... (using an Xacto knife) Presto! A wanderer's
And the brown legs are too good to pass.

Craig Hamilton and I independently decided that Rudo Villano's head was
perfect for a Wolfpack warrior,

Rudo's torso would also be cool without the guns. Haven't tried it yet tho'.

Baron von Barron and Sam
Sinister are a bit more difficult...

My main problem with them (and Dr. kilroy/lightning) is their glasses. I can't
picture medieval people with glasses. I might be wrong here but it seems as
though glasses were invented much later... Just my 2 cents.

At least none of them have microphones welded to their heads. :P That's my
biggest problem with a lot of the modern/future minifigs...(Like RR's
Jet!  I really wish she had no mic...guess I gotta get an X-acto knife...)

You gotta. That face is way to nice to pass just because a mike. I couldn't
resist it, result is seen here:

Dr. Kilroy's torso w/suspenders is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen

I haven't even tried he x-acto tricks yet...I prefer to mix and match spare

As the ever present Ninja theme builder....I simply replaced the head and
added Shogun armor, Islander top knot/helmet and
individual character...

I did the same w/ the Johnny T torso and added a robber eyepatch head and
samurai helm....I now have a new samurai faction composed of SW and
adventurer tan torsos...the Johnny T makes a nice smug samurai w/ an
islander top knot or especially w/ a black helmet...

I needed some more variety in my Samurai armies, so I incorporated some of
the Obi-wan, Qui gon, and Western theme gambler heads...

I also noticed the Pharoah (I Just got my first one) has a torso that can be
addapted to the Ninja theme..I decided to make a uniqe archer fig w/ the
torso, black legs(red waist), black helmet and a Darth Maul or rober
head....he will figure in my future saga prominently = )

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: All of those [adventurer] minifigs
cross-posted to .build.minifigs and .castle (...) I'm a castle person too... (...) I have 5 Johnny T faces so I decided to use them as smug knights. Under the new castle helmet, you can see little difference between them and the black mustached (...) (25 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to lugnet.adventurers,, lugnet.castle)

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