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 Castle / 19039
19038  |  19040
Re: Medieval Mill
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 16:07:04 GMT
1383 times
In lugnet.castle, James Brink wrote:
Hi Pawel,

How many pieces are in it?

I just made a quick count/estimate. Suprisingly I think it would take about 400
pieces to replicate. There are a lot of 1x1s tho. No wonder it took so long to
build :)


Interesting.  You are right - that's a lot.  Dan's Blacksmith Shop was 622
pieces and cost $40.00.  That would put your model right around $25.00.  I doubt
it would be that much though.

Great set!  Good photography too ...

     -- Pawel

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Medieval Mill
Hi Pawel, (...) I just made a quick count/estimate. Suprisingly I think it would take about 400 pieces to replicate. There are a lot of 1x1s tho. No wonder it took so long to build :) James (21 years ago, 7-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle)

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