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Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 18:45:28 GMT
Saskia van Doesburg <>
824 times
  So, everyone who was offended, be a
little grownup about this and move on.  Let's talk Legos!


I really don't want to be the one that keeps on talking about this, but you
are obviously not the one that is offended by this.
I am actually more offended by what you said than by what Daniel said
(because I think he's just trying to be cool or whatever)
I'm gay and I live in The Netherlands, so I really don't have anything to
complain :-)  But young kids (like Daniel) do not need to learn that it's ok
to call something gay if he means lame. It is NOT cool to use the word gay
as an insult. Same as you don't call something "christian" or "woman" or
"american" or "whatever" if you mean "lame".
I always thought the definition of gay was happy.....Well there are some
really lame gay-people, but that's another story :-)
Oh, and I am a grown-up, that's why I see the difference between lame and
gay. Someone learned me that once.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
Hi Don, Thank you. I was about to write this exact post myself. Legos are what we talk about here. The point of the post is that he thought the basketball sets look lame, stupid, (choose your own word). Let's end this thread right here and now. If (...) (22 years ago, 2-Dec-02, to lugnet.castle)

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