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 Castle / 15194
15193  |  15195
Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:38:01 GMT
887 times
In lugnet.castle, Ken Godawa writes:

Well, I think they're GAY also.

So how would one portray sexuality in a minifig, particularly gayness?
How would a Rosie O'Donnell minifig look different than any other, besides a
cool haircut?

If you are trying to say that the basketball minifigs are lame, please say
so.  I, for one, _am_ gay, and really do not appreciate your using a term
which could very accurately be used to describe me as a put-down.

Please be more careful in your terminology in such a public forum.
(lecture over)


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
(...) If you are trying to say that Ken is trying to say that the basketball minifigs aren't a good product, please tell him to say so. I, for one, have once had an accident which caused me to end up using crutches and really* do not appreciate your (...) (22 years ago, 2-Dec-02, to
  Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
HEY FOLKS!!! I honestly don't care what anybody's personnal preferences are it has nothing to do with Lego building and playing. To those of the gay community, I say ok, fine. To others I say ok, fine. To everyone, I say stop this thread before (...) (22 years ago, 2-Dec-02, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
(...) Grrrr I guess because I SK8 all day till 5 I use alot of slang. If I offended anybody I am sorry I mean If you want to be gay ok thats none of my biz but come on You know what I ment. I guess being away so long I got used to slang all day. (...) (22 years ago, 2-Dec-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: pics of every new 2003 set righ here
"Tim Deering" <> wrote in message (...) go (...) and (...) Im (...) bucks (...) white (...) sets (...) indeed (...) anything (...) so (...) Well, I think they're GAY also. What gives? Tony Kukoc is the (...) (22 years ago, 1-Dec-02, to lugnet.castle)

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