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 Castle / 13506
13505  |  13507
Re: Kingdom of Gatimrja: story continues
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 05:43:59 GMT
573 times
In lugnet.castle, William Movish writes:
Chapter I of my castle story is finished.

Check it out at:

You can get there from the Updates section, or the brand new (and rather
empty) Stories page.

Stay tuned for Chapter II, which is currently in production.

And, as always, comments are greatly appreciated.


I thought chapter 1 was very well written....lots of (political) intrigue at
the very beginning with the southern power-hungry duke.

Very nice touch to have a female as the hero(ine) of the saga.  I noticed that
a lot of the females in your "kingdom" have high, powerful spots.  I am
not trying to sound "sexist" but I just thought it was very modern and

I liked the part at the end with Prince Harold....very nice at the end.
Very regal, but also very young and impetuous.  I can't wait to see some of
the exploits and trouble the young prince will get the other members of the
party into..... :)

Benjamin Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  Kingdom of Gatimrja: story continues
Chapter I of my castle story is finished. Check it out at: (URL) can get there from the Updates section, or the brand new (and rather empty) Stories page. Stay tuned for Chapter II, which is currently in production. And, as always, comments are (...) (23 years ago, 21-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce)

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