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 Castle / 13498
13497  |  13499
Re: Kingdom of Gatimrja: story continues
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 01:46:56 GMT
552 times
In lugnet.castle, William Movish writes:
Chapter I of my castle story is finished.

Check it out at:

You can get there from the Updates section, or the brand new (and rather
empty) Stories page.

Stay tuned for Chapter II, which is currently in production.

And, as always, comments are greatly appreciated.


Well, I got a chance to read your story, and I must say it's quite
interesting. Lots of picture detail, and of course, a decent beginning
for a medieval story. The dialogue settings are very odd, though...
I've never seen them done in that style before...

Just a question...where did you get that transparent blue spear?

I see those parts all of the time, but I have no idea on where to get one!

Looking forward to chapter two.

<<_Matt Hein_>>
Lugnet No. 1112

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Kingdom of Gatimrja: story continues
(...) says minifig spear (URL) comes in trans lt blue in set 8511 (URL) (23 years ago, 21-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Kingdom of Gatimrja: story continues
Chapter I of my castle story is finished. Check it out at: (URL) can get there from the Updates section, or the brand new (and rather empty) Stories page. Stay tuned for Chapter II, which is currently in production. And, as always, comments are (...) (23 years ago, 21-Jun-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce)

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