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 Castle / 11474
11473  |  11475
Thu, 3 Jan 2002 09:37:24 GMT
543 times
In lugnet.castle, Magnus Lauglo writes:

Thankyou...: )

Just some of my first impressions/comments questions:

You seem to have been able to make the white, greay and black look nice
together in the castle walls, by doing each wall or tower in a single colour.
I'll have to remember this for future reference. The main keep/castle is
beautiful by the way, imposing but elegant.

I like a bit of variety in my work... plus also, alot of real castles the
way they look now is very varied.. as they were added to over the hundreds
of years they were standing.. so the original castle colours were sometimes
alot different to the added parts.

Are those timber holes for hoardings I see along the battlements, and if so, do
you have any hoardings built yet? I like how you have used the 2 by 4 by 1
slopes at the tops of the battlements, very realistic looking. I've thought of
this before, bt I've never had walls high enough to make this actually look

Yes I had the hoardings in mind when I built the walls... but I dont have
enough parts to make the hoardings how I want them to look...

I really like the royal ship, I didn't think one could use a white hull to make
a cool looking medieval styleship, and you have proved me wrong. I'd love close
up pics of the ship some time, I've been working on a few of my own recently.

I'll take some close up shots for you soon.... also.. anything is possible..!!!

Are there any houses in the town, or is it mainly shops and stuff? Also, do you
plan to develop it over time, or is it pretty much finished now?

In most medieval cities or large towns, the residents lived above their
shops.. this is the case in my city.... Also.. yes I have finished the
city.. I have no more space.. it takes up almost 1.5 x 1 meter as it is...
but I do have a 7 x 4 (32 stud) base plate harbour to attach onto it soon...!!!

Awesome, and very inspirational to all of us who have never tried anything so
ambitious ourselves!

I'm glad my work does inspire people... and as I said.. anything is possible..

Kev...:  )

Message is in Reply To:
Beautiful. Just some of my first impressions/comments questions: You seem to have been able to make the white, greay and black look nice together in the castle walls, by doing each wall or tower in a single colour. I'll have to remember this for (...) (23 years ago, 3-Jan-02, to lugnet.castle)

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