Re: L3P Warnings
Thu, 1 Jul 2010 16:14:49 GMT
34881 times
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In lugnet.cad.ray, Dave Schuler wrote:
> I'm not conversant with LGEO or the like; what would the filename format be for
> these alternate parts? That is, if a 2x4 brick is 3001.dat, what's the
> equivalent name of the LGEO version? I ask because I like sticking with the DAT
> suffix, and using the official part names (3001) simply makes the most sense.
See also my reply on Tore Eriksson message. It would be called 3001.pov and has
the same information in it as the 'else' portion of the current dat files
(although without the leading 0's, it would be pure povray script).
> > So perhaps you are hinting on maintainability or mixed single files (because
> > even subfiles would work ok using a mirror tree, aslong they use the same scale
> > and orientation (or are supplied with a transformation key).
> Not sure I understand this part. Are you suggesting that the inlined POV-Ray
> code might be housed in a subfile? I could see that working, actually, though
> I'm not the person to generate the protocols to parse it.
I mean you could only put eg a \p\stud.pov in the mirror tree and the converter
tools would use the pov version for all studs in the scene when generating the
povray version of the scene.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: L3P Warnings
| (...) LDView already has the ability to do this automatic replacement during POV export: Create a POV directory inside your LDraw directory Put p an parts directories in the POV directory Drop in POV files with the same filenames as the original (...) (15 years ago, 1-Jul-10, to lugnet.cad.ray, FTX)
|  | | Re: L3P Warnings
| (...) No, the IFPPOV-ELSEPOV-ENDPOV typically does not cover the whole file. The main idea behind *inlining* POV code is that many parts only have a small tricky/curvy section that would look better with POV code, so only e.g. 5 % of the file should (...) (15 years ago, 2-Jul-10, to lugnet.cad.ray)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: L3P Warnings
| (...) I'm not conversant with LGEO or the like; what would the filename format be for these alternate parts? That is, if a 2x4 brick is 3001.dat, what's the equivalent name of the LGEO version? I ask because I like sticking with the DAT suffix, and (...) (15 years ago, 1-Jul-10, to lugnet.cad.ray)
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