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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 138
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Re: help!!! - light sources in POV-RAY
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 22:04:49 GMT
1068 times
Franklin W. Cain skrev i meddelandet ...
Hi!  I need some help with POV-RAY, L3P, (etc.).

I'm trying to ray-trace this DAT file
but with a change in the lighting.
I want there to be a "glow" (a light?)
from within the "gem" atop the staff (i.e., the 1x1 Cone),
and light from the "flames" near the "floor"
(for a nice diabolic effect).

(This (more or less) has already been posted in the thread 'lit truck raytrace
wallpaper...' in connection with headlights)

Don't try to put lights inside other pieces, edit the .POV file instead, and
create lights that 'looks_like' the piece in question. It's much easier.

You have to lower the (general) ambient value a bit, and fiddle with the
parameters for
the light that should be used with 'looks_like'. As an example, take my
Christmas rendering from 1998:

Excerpts from the .pov file:

// Less ambient light, and more diffuse.
#declare AMB = 0.2
#declare DIF = 0.6

// Special color for the lights
#declare Color46_t = texture {
pigment { rgbf <1,0.905882,0.211765,0.90> }
finish { ambient 0.6 diffuse 0 phong 0.5 phong_size 40 reflection 0.9
refraction 1 ior 1.25 }

#declare light_point = light_source {
    <0, -8, 0>
    color rgb 0.5*<1,0.905882,0.211765>
    fade_distance 60.0
    fade_power 1.6
    looks_like {_3062_dot_dat texture { Color46_t } }

Then you just replace the pieces that should be lighted:

object { _3062_dot_dat matrix <1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,-50,-280,10> texture
Color46 } }

is replaced with

object { light_point matrix  <1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,-50,-280,10>}


Note that I introduced a separate color (Color46_t) for the lighted piece.
I also turned off the L3P generated lights completely.

This is in no way the only method, but it works for me.

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message is in Reply To:
  help!!! - light sources in POV-RAY
Hi! I need some help with POV-RAY, L3P, (etc.). I'm trying to ray-trace this DAT file ("(URL) with a change in the lighting. I want there to be a "glow" (a light?) from within the "gem" atop the staff (i.e., the 1x1 Cone), and light from the (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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