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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 129
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Re: help!!! - light sources in POV-RAY
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 19:18:23 GMT
1143 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Franklin W. Cain writes:
I'm trying to ray-trace this DAT file
but with a change in the lighting.
I want there to be a "glow" (a light?)
from within the "gem" atop the staff (i.e., the 1x1 Cone),
and light from the "flames" near the "floor"
(for a nice diabolic effect).
But, when I've converted this DAT file using L3P-Add-On,
I can't get the light sources in the flames to convert.

I was pretty disappointed to discover that light sources don't cut it, not in
the POV-Ray world.  What you need to do is set those pieces' colors to have a
high ambience, like 3.

For example, say in your POV file you have the following color definition,
but you want a variant which makes it glow:

#declare Color44 = #if (version >= 3.1) material { #end texture {
pigment { rgb <1,0.603922,0.129412> #if (QUAL > 1) filter 0.85 #end }
finish { ambient AMB diffuse DIF }
#if (QUAL > 1)
finish { phong 0.5 phong_size 40 reflection 0.2 }
#if (version >= 3.1) #else finish { refraction 1 ior 1.25 }
#if (BUMPS) normal { BUMPNORMAL } #end
} #if (version >= 3.1) #if (QUAL > 1) interior { ior 1.25 } #end } #end

Make another copy of this code block right after the first one, and rename it,

#declare GlowingColor44 = #if (version >= 3.1) material { #end texture {
pigment { rgb <1,0.603922,0.129412> #if (QUAL > 1) filter 0.85 #end }
finish { ambient AMB diffuse DIF }
[...snip for brevity...]
} #if (version >= 3.1) #if (QUAL > 1) interior { ior 1.25 } #end } #end

Then, modify the new color's ambience value by changing "AMB" to "AMB*3":

<POV>#declare GlowingColor44 = #if (version >= 3.1) material { #end texture {
pigment { rgb <1,0.603922,0.129412> #if (QUAL > 1) filter 0.85 #end }
finish { ambient AMB*3 diffuse DIF }
[...snip for brevity...]
} #if (version >= 3.1) #if (QUAL > 1) interior { ior 1.25 } #end } #end

Then, find in your POV filethe part you want to glow, which might look like

object { _3070_dot_dat matrix <1-SW/20,0,0,0,1-SW/8,0,0,0,1-SW/20,0,SW/2,0>
matrix <-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1,-40,-8,-40> #if (version >= 3.1) material #else
texture #end { Color44 } }

and change the "Color44" to say "GlowingColor44".

Erm, I hope this makes sense.  :-,  Let me know if I can clarify things a bit.

- jsproat

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: help!!! - light sources in POV-RAY
(...) Actually, creating a light_source which includes a looks_like { mypiece } works pretty well. --Bram Bram Lambrecht / o o \ ---...---oooo-----(_...o---...--- WWW: (URL) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  help!!! - light sources in POV-RAY
Hi! I need some help with POV-RAY, L3P, (etc.). I'm trying to ray-trace this DAT file ("(URL) with a change in the lighting. I want there to be a "glow" (a light?) from within the "gem" atop the staff (i.e., the 1x1 Cone), and light from the (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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