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Re: Doing Patterns and Bitmaps in MLCad
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 15:34:21 GMT
2578 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Travis Cobbs writes:

"Michael Lachmann" <> wrote in message
Farlie A <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
Rough idea for texture mapping options

<quadized verison of texture-using parts if needed>

I could agree on this.

That would work great for me, although it would make life easier if the
TEXTURE START line included the points making up the four corners of the

(Hence the suggestionf making it a line type.)

OK,Revised Suggestion. (Still needs Further Disscussion)

0 TEXTURE <fname>      fname is name of the PNG/JPEG/BMP etc to be used
instead of the *.DAT version. The extension of the file shall determine the
format used. (On Unix based systems this still applies with a 'magic' being
used to ensure the right processing is used.). Note this command can only be
used at file level. Textures nested within other 0 TEXTURE-0 TEX END pairs
should use 0 TEXTUREN instead.

0 TEX_NAME             If included directly after a 0 TEXTURE line gives the
texture a user defined name with file scope.
0 USE_TEX <name>   Reuse a previously defined texture.

0 TEX_CORNERS <L-Draw Cordinate> <L-Draw coord.><L-Draw Coord><L-Draw Coord>
Must be included directly after a 0 TEXTURE line defines the corners of a
rectangluar area for the texture. Non-Rectangular areas are ignored?(Needs

0 TEX_CENTERE <L-Draw offset vector.>

Optional line after a 0 TEX_CORNERS. Allows the user to define where the
centere of texture image, Is to be placed in relation to the centere of the
rectangular area defined by a 0 TEX_Corners. The centers are assumed to be
same unless this command is used.  If the centere defined in this command is
oustside of the area defined by 0 TEX_Corners then the Texture is not
displayed and any other TEX lines are ignored within the scope of the
TEX_STart command apart from TEX_END

0 TEX_FACING <L-Draw/MLCAD Vector?>

Optional line after a 0 TEXTURE or 0 TEXTUREN command. Sets the direction that
the teture will face in order to allow for faster back face culling?
(Browser implementation note)
If visble from the wrong side (and opauqe) then a dark-grey color will be
displayed. If the texture contains alpha(tranparency)information then this
shall be take into account,using the browser/user defined rules for
transparency handlling by the browser.

Indicates that a section for including a texture map has ended and the
browser/viewer used shall return to normal processing

Additonal Notes:

Between TEXTURE and TEX_END  normal L-DRAW *DAT sequence may be used provided
that :
0 TEX_? lines to control TEXTURE Options appear immediatly after the 0
That nested textures must use a seperate 0 TEXTUREN Stament which is identical
in synatx and usage to the 0 TEXTURE line.

If a 0 TEXTURE line is encourted in the course of processing an extrnal file
included by line type 1? within a 0 TEXTURE-0 TEX END pair or
  0 TEXTUREN -0 TEX_END pair then it shall be treated as a 0 TEXTUREN  texture
type within the scope of the outer pair.

A user defined name using TEX_NAME within a nested TEXTUREN(see also above)
will only have scope within the TEXTURE/TEXTUREN-TEX END pair in which it was

A user defined name using TEX_NAME on a TEXTURE will have file-scope and can
be used anywhere in the file (After it has been defined.)
(with apologies for typos)

Could somone help me tidy this up into a PROPER spec?

A browser compatible with L-Draw woudl use the quad version ignoring the
directive. Otherwise the bitmap in fname would be used.

Perhps a new line type is needed.- ie  Type 6.

Type 6- is only treated by new browsers.

line looks like: 6 <fanme.DAT> <fname.*>

This actually wouldn't be necessary.  Just put the DAT file which represents
the texture in between the TEXTURE START and TEXTURE END comments, and it
accomplishes the same thing without any compatibility issues.

where the first param indicates the dat file to be used for the texture
and where the second param indicates the optional image format to be • used
instead of the DAT file if the borwser suppourts texture mapping.  A • patch
might be needed to L-Draw so that it is able to use Type 6...

Issues: local file name or URL? Upper vs Lower case..
        Format for bitmaps? - Not evreybody uses Windows *.BMP, some • other
people use MAC Pict or GIF/PNG/JPEG for images as well as other more • obscure
Compatibility with earlier *.DAT file viewers.

Generally possible, but keep in mind that writing code for Gif/Jpeg could • be
a license issue.

Actually, JPEG doesn't have any licensing issues.  I definitely agree that
GIF should be avoided due to licensing,

Me Too </AOL>

but free decoding libraries are
available for both JPEG and PNG (in source form)

And presumably other formats such as .BMP and Targa(used by raytracers)?
(Incidentaly Targa is 24bit(?) format used in raytracing eith extension *.TGA.
Files in that format are HUGE!!!!')

--Travis Cobbs (


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Doing Patterns and Bitmaps in MLCad
(...) [snip] Urg. Why so wordy? Just do: 0 TEXTURE <position vector> <orientation matrix> <filename.type> [START <standard ldraw commands go here> 0 TEXTURE END] The <position vector> and <orientation matrix> parameters are identical to the (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Doing Patterns and Bitmaps in MLCad
"Michael Lachmann" <> wrote in message (...) That would work great for me, although it would make life easier if the TEXTURE START line included the points making up the four corners of the texture. (...) (24 years ago, 3-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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