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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 810
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Re: Dancing Mech Modeling/animatino LDraw/POV-Ray Video Tutorial Series
Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:11:01 GMT
21 times
In lugnet.cad, James Reynolds wrote:

Just started watching the first Bricksmith video and
I noticed you
pointed out something that's always bugged me - how the part
browser matches
spaces literally....  The
good news is that I've written a wee addition to the Bricksmith
code that
addresses this ....

Wow, cool!  I believe I sent that request to Allen too.  I know a
little Cocoa but am bad with large projects, so I haven't attempted
to actually make any of the feature requests I've sent him.

Neat. It's interesting that Bricksmith has actually been the incentive for me to
pick up Cocoa. I figured that some of these minor quirks that interrupt the flow
of things couldn't be too hard to straighten out, so I sat down and just started
studying how the program is laid out. As I told Allen, I think the code is
actually well organized for a project of its size (I have certainly seen

Anyway, the other thing I'm doing is adding keyboard shortcuts for things like
picking the view angle or adding models and steps. This is trivial in Interface
Builder, and you can actually do it with the compiled program. Do you have any
suggestions for logical key choices? (For the time being I'm using variations on
X, Y, and Z for the views, as you're viewing the model from along those axes.)

Another cool thing that's already in Bricksmith is that you can
paste LDraw text
directly into it without using an external editor. Likewise, if you
copy a model
or some parts from Bricksmith, it'll paste as text into other
applications. You
may mention this later on but I mention it now after seeing the
crosshair bit.

Great comment.  Actually, I was hoping to put information like this
in the "Addendum" sections.  I'm flying by the seat of my pants,
completely unscripted and unrehearsed, so I'm sure I'll say something
wrong as well.

Absolutely, you're welcome to put this stuff in the addendum. I think I did
mis-speak about pasting LDraw text into Bricksmith, but you can definitely copy
things out of it as text. I'm not sure why I had that impression, but clearly I

Anyway, good stuff! I hope it encourages more people to start
LDrawing, and to
follow "best practices" while they're at it.

Heck yeah!  Then it will be much easier to share models.  I've had
too many show-stopper problems trying to use other people's models.

Boy, I remember the first LDraw model I made. It'd make you cringe - it was a
little robot with all the pieces in all the limbs independently placed. Making
any adjustments meant nudging at least a dozen little pieces around. What a
mess! I should dig up the file and recreate it properly as a "do" and "don't"
example. It was definitely a revelation when I realized what you could do with
submodels. Nice tools like Bricksmith help a lot, too.

Oh, and regarding the dancing car video: that's like one of the ten coolest
things on the internet anyway, so don't be discouraged that it came to mind. :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Dancing Mech Modeling/animatino LDraw/POV-Ray Video Tutorial Series
(...) Wow, cool! I believe I sent that request to Allen too. I know a little Cocoa but am bad with large projects, so I haven't attempted to actually make any of the feature requests I've sent him. (...) Great comment. Actually, I was hoping to put (...) (18 years ago, 17-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad,

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