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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 807
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Re: Dancing Mech Modeling/animatino LDraw/POV-Ray Video Tutorial Series
Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:19:50 GMT
17 times
In lugnet.announce, James Reynolds wrote:

   I’d happy to announce a new tutorial: Dancing Mech Modeling/animatino LDraw/POV-Ray Video Tutorial Series

It is strangely suspenseful watching someone search for an unknown part! I’m sure you’ve found it by now, but the part you were looking for in the third video is a “wedge.”

So for your benefit or others’, don’t forget that in many cases you can actually find the part number printed on the bottom of the brick:


In this case the part number is 4855. So if you don’t know the canonical name for a part, you can just type that number into the Bricksmith search field (it works with part numbers as well as descriptions).

Another thing that came to mind is that if you want to rotate a bunch of parts around a point other than the selection center, you can use the Edit->Rotate panel.

Pressing x, y, or z will rotate the selection incrementally around the respective axis (hold down shift to rotate in the opposite direction). These controls also respect the grid size setting: the rotation increments are 15, 45, and 90 degrees for the small, medium, and large scales. Obviously this won’t help much for precision positioning, but it can be handy to quickly change something’s general orientation.

It’s not always intuitive but sometimes this is useful, too: holding down option while moving parts with the arrow keys moves them along the axis perpendicular to the view.

Again I just thought I’d share this trivia with anyone else who’s taking this opportunity to learn the ins and outs of Bricksmith.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dancing Mech Modeling/animatino LDraw/POV-Ray Video Tutorial Series
(...) Yeah, I eventually found it. O:) (...) Duh! I can't believe I totally forgot that! (...) Cool, great comments! I hope you don't mind if I put this all in my addendum sections? I'll have to try them out too. James (18 years ago, 17-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad,

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  Re: Dancing Mech Modeling/animatino LDraw/POV-Ray Video Tutorial Series
(...) first video and look forward to watching it and the others. It appears that you have put a lot of time into this project and I anticipate that it will appreciated as a great resource. Anyway, as a fellow Bricksmith user I am eager to pick up (...) (18 years ago, 16-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad)

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