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Re: bug report: "cert." list on tracker
Mon, 6 May 2002 15:23:25 GMT
549 times

In your estimatation, how many files are waiting for fixed primitives to
be certified?  Right now, of the 77 primitives on the system, I count 7
as being fixes.

Here's another viewpoint:  Any primitive files in the PT system *should*
have a strong effect on the parts that use them.  Especially primitives
that are Held.  If there's something wrong with these files, we
shouldn't release files that potentially reference the bad features.  We
should address the unofficial primitives, either certifying good ones,
or removing bad ones.


In, Franklin W. Cain wrote:


There is a "bug" with the certification list on the tracker.  It is considering
any primitive listed in the tracker to be a "subfile", regardless of whether or
not that primitive already exists in the field (i.e., has already been included
in a previous release).  Thus, any new version of such a primitive will cause
the tracker to say that all files using this primitive "have uncertified

In my opinion, this is flawed logic.  An "uncertified subfile" should be a
*subpart* or a *new* primitive; i.e., a file specific to the "main" file, or
else a primitive that has never before existed.  The current logic structure
leads to an unreasonably high number of files labelled as having "uncertified
subfiles", *especially* considering your project to "BFC" all the primitives.
This, in turn, leads to an unnecessarily high overload on the tracker.  (For
all we know, there could be a hundred of the "288 have uncertified subfiles"
that are actually ready to be released today, since their "uncertified
subfiles" are primitives that already officially released.)

Please consider revising the logical criteria for "uncertified subfile" to
incorporate this exclusion.  If, as I suspect, it turns out we can release even
more files right now (or very soon), this will lead to less overload (i.e., a
more manageable number of files) on the tracker.

Thanks, again.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: bug report: "cert." list on tracker
(...) See below. (...) I only found six: (URL) far as "number of files impacted"... 1-4disc.dat has 50 "related files" 2-4disc.dat has 58 "related files" 3-4disc.dat has only three "related files" 4-4disc.dat has 97 "related files" peghole.dat has (...) (23 years ago, 6-May-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  bug report: "cert." list on tracker
Steve, There is a "bug" with the certification list on the tracker. It is considering any primitive listed in the tracker to be a "subfile", regardless of whether or not that primitive already exists in the field (i.e., has already been included in (...) (23 years ago, 5-May-02, to

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