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Re: Idea, using functions for some primitives.
Mon, 6 May 2002 14:57:19 GMT
643 times
In, Mark Kennedy wrote:

I was thinking over this the other day, and thought maybe could be some sort of
line type p that would work the same as the type 1 lines, but istead take a
function instead of a piece. This would be for primitves that the drawing
program replaces with TRUE shapes, (spheres, cylinders, circular edges, discs,
ndisc, toruses, rings, and cones) for the cylinders, circular edges, discs,
and ndisc you could give an argument of the angle so you could have like 56
degrees of a disc or 74 degrees of a cylinder. For the toruses, rings, and
cones you would also suplly inner and outer radii. As for the sphere, you would
supply the primary and secondary angle given by spherical cooridante system
(the radius would be set to one to comply with the previous sphere primitives),
then maybe it could be used on some of those3 round parts like the radar
dishes. I know this would probably require a total rewrite of the ldraw code,
but maybe just something to consider along with MPD capability.

For a linetype to include a 'function' in it's definition, we'd need to
figure out what 'language' the functions would be written in.  It's a
fairly wide-open proposal.

More likely, we'll add specific curved-surface primitives[1] at some
point.  Like linetype 6 for discs, or linetype 7 for sphere sections,
and so on.

1) 'Primitive' in the normal CG sense of the word - an object generated
by the core CG language.

Message is in Reply To:
  Idea, using functions for some primitives.
I was thinking over this the other day, and thought maybe could be some sort of line type p that would work the same as the type 1 lines, but istead take a function instead of a piece. This would be for primitves that the drawing program replaces (...) (23 years ago, 5-May-02, to

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