Re: CW/CCW, vertex sequence, co-planar, convex, (115kB)
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:11:38 GMT
815 times
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In, Lars C. Hassing writes:
> John VanZwieten wrote in message ...
> >
> > Leonardo Zide <> wrote
> > > "Lars C. Hassing" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Here are 50 messages regarding the above subjects.
> > > > The first from January 1998 where Leonardo Zide suggested CW/CCW.
> > >
> > > I miss that kind of discussion, those were very interesting subjects.
> Me too!
> > > Also, where's Jeff Findley ?
> > >
> > > > I support the CW/CCW idea (isn't it annoying knowing almost 50% of all
> > > > faces are drawn to waste), though it will cost a considerable effort
> > > > fixing old parts. The process can however be automated: Leonardo already
> > > > has a program showing faces as red or green and Gary suggested a
> > > > ray-algorithm for automatically determining CW/CCW-ness.
> > >
> > > I've already thought about a ray intersection algorithm but I've never
> > > tried to implement it, I might try do it now. Some problems that I
> > > remember is that LDraw parts are not closed volumes (that's not the best
> > > description), for example: trace a ray from the top of a 1x1 brick and
> > > it will intersect 3 surfaces, and the program can't decide what's the
> > > correct orientation of the face in the middle.
> >
> >
> > What if when a ray intersected 3 surfaces, it made the first CCW, the last CW,
> > and left the middle surface unmarked. If you traced enough rays from
> > different angles and starting positions, I think you would eventually be able
> > to mark all surfaces. In your 1x1 brick example, when you traced a ray that
> > didn't go through the top stud, you would have an even number of surfaces and
> > so could correctly mark them.
> "enough rays" - exactly what stroke me too when I read Leonardo's posting!
> With the fast computers nowadays we could shoot millions of rays at the
> part from all possible viewing angles (this might even disclose some
> invisible faces! - hm, are these needed when a part is drawn transparently?)
> > About the only time I see this not working is if a single quad is used both as
> > an outer and an inner surface, which wouldn't exactly be great part design
> > form.
> Right.
> In addition to Leonardo's summary:
> Because the "what is inside/outside" of e.g. 4-4cyli.dat depends on the
> usage, and we don't want two sets of primitives, I think we need to
> decide on a "0 CCW" or "0 FACE CCW" or ?? keyword.
> (see the discussion I started on Feb 4th 1999)
What I was concerned about are situations where a single quad is used as the
outside of a section of a part and the inside of a section of a part. A
theoritical example would be a minifig head. You could use a single 4-
4cyli.dat to model the outside of the top stud and the inside of the hole in
the bottom, since they are the same diameter. Of course that would be bad
-John Van
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: CW/CCW, vertex sequence, co-planar, convex, (115kB)
| John VanZwieten wrote in message ... (...) the (...) in (...) What if the part that referenced such a primitive had a '0 invert' comment on the line before the primitive reference, if that instance of the primitive was intended to appear inside-out? (...) (25 years ago, 30-Sep-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: CW/CCW, vertex sequence, co-planar, convex, (115kB)
| John VanZwieten wrote in message ... (...) Me too! (...) "enough rays" - exactly what stroke me too when I read Leonardo's posting! With the fast computers nowadays we could shoot millions of rays at the part from all possible viewing angles (this (...) (25 years ago, 30-Sep-99, to
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