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Re: Convert to Wavefront object?
Sat, 11 Apr 2009 01:48:15 GMT
13114 times
Stefan Garcia wrote:
The materials are imported properly into Blender, but whether they would be
exported as .obj is a guess on my part.  Materials are better in this case, not

Textures are more widely supported in programs where users actually
interact/play with 3D models, though. So you are limited basically to
rendering still images or animations.

Stefan Garcia wrote:
As for Blender being a "pig" program, it's a 9MB download that is completely
free, and can rival Maya in terms of power in many ways.

Blender doesn't have advanced support for "bones" and complex
animations, however. This is what I want to work on.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Convert to Wavefront object?
The materials are imported properly into Blender, but whether they would be exported as .obj is a guess on my part. Materials are better in this case, not textures. As for Blender being a "pig" program, it's a 9MB download that is completely free, (...) (16 years ago, 10-Apr-09, to

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