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Re: Convert to Wavefront object?
Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:31:38 GMT
13279 times
The materials are imported properly into Blender, but whether they would be
exported as .obj is a guess on my part.  Materials are better in this case, not

As for Blender being a "pig" program, it's a 9MB download that is completely
free, and can rival Maya in terms of power in many ways.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Convert to Wavefront object?
(...) Textures are more widely supported in programs where users actually interact/play with 3D models, though. So you are limited basically to rendering still images or animations. Stefan Garcia wrote: (...) animations, however. This is what I want (...) (16 years ago, 11-Apr-09, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Convert to Wavefront object?
(...) I was hoping not to have to install another pig application package just to do a conversion. Also, are the materials imported properly? Ideally they would be converted to textures since they are more common. -Mike (16 years ago, 10-Apr-09, to

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